Sunday, August 17, 2008

happy birthday grandma!

I remember when we lived at Larry Avenue Grandma Peg was down visiting from Pennsylvania and we worked in the garden. I was little, I don't know maybe 5 years old. Grandma gave me a long skinny shovel. It was a real one, a grown up one. It was rusty and had a worn wooden handle. I don't think I was much help planting flowers, but I remember digging up a worm and watching it wriggle and squirm as I dangled it from my shovel.

Fast forward 18 years. I've been wanting to start an herb garden for a while but really didn't have a clue what I was doing. Enter Grandma Peg. She took my struggling eggcart seedlings and transferred them to terra cotta pots. Now I'm enjoying fresh basil and the lovely scent of lavender.

Thanks Grandma for always helping me and teaching me how to do grown up things. Happy Birthday!

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