Thursday, August 28, 2008

Gustav, Go Away.

I shouldn't have done it. I really shouldn't have. I wasn't even thinking about it until Ryan started telling me every five minutes that we are getting married in 10 days.

10 days. 10 days! "Wait, wait," I thought, "that means that some meteorologist has predicted the weather for our big day." I tried to keep myself from looking, I mean there is nothing I can do about the weather. I need to not worry about it, not think about it. But then, on the way into work I was listening to NPR and heard all about Gustav (gosh darn it). Hurricane has been a cursed word in the Ward household since Ryan and I decided on a September wedding. In fact, the word has been altogether outlawed. And now look who decides to show up. Gustav, go away.

So, as a form of protest I am choosing to ignore Gustav altogether. What I am not ignoring is this:

81 degree high and sunny on September 6th. I sure hope you are right Weather Channel Meteologist.

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