Wednesday, October 1, 2008

and we're back!

I keep sitting down to blog about the pre-wedding festivities, about the big day and about the honeymoon but the words aren't flowing. Thoughts are scattered and I feel as if I'm still running to and fro trying to pull thoughts together and remember all the little details. It's a really joyful process, but one that has not meshed well with the blogosphere. Perhaps it's all too close and too once in a lifetime to just spew out into cyberspace. I'm sure tidbits and memories will make their way onto the blog, but for now I think for I'd like to share those stories with you in a different setting.

Returning to reality post honeymoon has been really great and really lame. I mean, I could get used to throwing great parties then hopping on airplanes and taking in beautiful European sights with Ryan. Unfortunately, my name is not Samantha Brown and I do not get to do that. Luckily, I have Erin's blog to give me my fix of European travel and make reality more bearable.

Here are a few highlights of married life so far:

This sunset on the way to a very fun weekend at JMU to visit my baby brother:

The first family picture with the new son-in-law addition!

Being there to photograph this moment of James' collegiate experience:

Watching my husband's glee at the Dukes come from behind victory in the "biggest home game at JMU of all times ever in the history of the world":

The traditional Ruthie/Ryan joint birthday party and celebrating their 24 wonderful years of life. (Pictures forthcoming)

And coming home to this after work yesterday:

Pretty flowers and Pumpkin Spice coffee from the Fresh Market. When you brew it the house smells glorious and it tastes so cozy and delicious. And aren't these flowers fabulous? So cheerful. Sometimes when Ryan brought me flowers at the office co-workers would tell me to brace myself for never getting them again after we got married. I'm so very happy that they were wrong.

So here's to the first Fall as a newlywed! I can't wait to see what other wonderful things autumn holds.

1 comment:

Erin said...

BFF! I added your blog to mthe list of hte ones I follow on my blog. Glad to hear that you are semi public now!!! LOVE YOU! And I love your blog. Hey thanks for dressing up in JMU colors for the big game. Although, let's be honest - you did sport that lovely color duo for 14 years of your life at NCS, so it was kinf od like coming home, right?