Tuesday, May 20, 2008


There are a few things of which I am certain. I am certain of my love for Fenway Park. I am certain that mornings are simply better after a cup of good coffee. I am certain that I should have a pug.

But then there are some things of which I think I am certain only until I realize that I don't know what I am talking about. This happens fairly often.

For example, every summer growing up my family would go to Rhode Island. We would go for several weeks. I can remember being about 13 and thinking that it absolutely made sense to bring every single remotely fashionable piece of clothing that I owned. I think that I stuffed two giant black roller bags full for our 3 week trip.

My father's mantra before such car trips was "Pack light." He would remind me at least 10 times before we left. He would also remind my mother, who would then get extremely irritated and proceed to continue packing her giant duffle bag, two hang bags and massive toiletry/make-caboodle.

I am pretty sure that that summer I ended up wearing the same 2 baby doll tee shirts the entire time.

In November I took a 3 week trip and was forced to only bring a carry-on for my personal items. I almost had a caniption, how in the world would I fit everything? Well, first I did some strategic shopping. I hit a few inexpensive spots and tried to put together outfits like you find in a fashion magazine where you can wear the same blazer 10 different ways. Then, I threw in a few favorites and voila. I felt confident in my choices and let me tell you that I was able to fit everything I needed in those 22 x 14 x 9 inches of carryon space.

Plus, with only a carry-on I got to fly through baggage claim without stopping and waiting. Security checkpoints were a breeze. Furthermore, I didn't have to look like a fool trying to keep a purse on my shoulder while dragging two suitcases. How chic.

One time one the way to Kenya I got stranded along with a fellow traveler in London. We both had 2 75 lb. suitcases that were perpetually falling over or bumping into people. Getting them into the elevator at the hotel was a joke. My big toe was run over in the process and my toe nail got split in half from the weight of the bags. Lesson learned.

So now, I am a convert. Tomorrow I am leaving the country for 5 days and let me tell you the one thing that I know for certain: I will only be bringing a carryon.

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