Friday, May 9, 2008

Ordinary Moments

Someone a lot smarter than me said that "In life there are no ordinary moments." It is the most ordinary of moments which really make up the fabric of life and yet these are the moments that fly by without notice, without acknowledgement.

Last night Ryan and I went to Chick's for dinner. It was just what we needed-- a pitcher of Blue Moon, incredible weather and a table on the patio to enjoy the sunset. And it was important for us, we talked about life and being together and what that looks like. It was ordinary, but it was also one of the nights that helped build us into the future, that almost unknowingly nudged us in the direction of what's next.

It's also exactly the kind of moment that I always forget. I am so forgetful. Ryan has a great memory always referring to "that time when..." which usually brings me to a state of panic trying to drum up the memory that he is referencing. I am almost always unsuccessful. I want to remember more of those moments. I want to be able to be able to look back and see the culmination of their ordinariness. And so in an effort to remember, in an effort to be thankful for those moments, I enter into the world of blogging...

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