Monday, May 12, 2008


"Now there are some things we all know , but we don't take 'em out and look at'm very often. We all know that something is eternal...There’s something way down deep that’s eternal about every human being." Thornton Wilder, Our Town

On May 7th Brooke Elizabeth finally arrived! We rushed to the hospital to await her arrival with the family. Soon-to-be-grandmothers couldn't contain their excitement, nervous chit chat went back and forth about potential baby names and whether or not we would have to endure an episode of Jeopardy before meeting this little girl. Then, Nathan came into the waiting room and told us that she had arrived!

We went to the nursery to see brand new baby Brooke being poked and prodded and measured and weighed by the nurses. She is incredible! It was so special and so surreal watching her trying to navigate her little limbs, trying to get oriented to gravity and space. What was going on before us felt so big -- her first breaths on earth, her first introduction to life on her own. Her brand new life right there before us, what a beautiful, sacred, eternal thing.

It was also a big moment for Ryan who saw the nurses tossing Brooke around like a little sack of potatoes while she was getting a bath. I think that he realized that it would be possible for him to hold a baby and not break it. So he gave it a go...

And after a few pointers from the Aunties....he was a pro!

Welcome! We are so glad you are here. You are so loved. Thanks for coming and teaching us a little bit more about what joy means and how love works. You are wonderful and you can always count on great flats from Aunt Erin and Aunt Kristin.

1 comment:

Ryan said...

I know how to hold babies now!!!!!!!!!!!