Monday, March 23, 2009


"Don't worry honey, it will all be better tomorrow."
A kind middle aged man watching me hobble up stairs at the oceanfront

We did it! Erin and I ran a fairly eventful 13.1 miles and Ryan completed his first marathon! Here is a picture of when running Shamrock seemed like a good idea: "Oh how fun, let's get our race gear ready!"

Now picture this: You have just run further than you have ever run in your entire life. You are in a significant amount of pain, digging through your race goodie bag looking for a beer ticket while hobbling towards the after party tent. You question whether you can make it all the way to the finish line festivities, but you trudge onward. At this moment, what is one thing that could make you incredibly happy in the most unexpected sort of way?

What's that? Did you say Bryan Hodges as the beer guy, smiling by the keg of Yeungling?

Yes, that's it. I couldn't have been happier to see Mr. B.

We really did have a great run yesterday. And I can't believe Ryan ran a marathon! I knew he would be able to do it, but good gracious 26.2 miles is a long way.

Ryan and the Hatcher men were on their yearly March madness trip last week, so we had an episode of 30 Rock on the dvr and of course the season finale of John and Kate plus 8 was tonight. We have been parked on the couch, triaging blisters and popping Advil (and hoping the best for the bone scan in the morning). Also, discussing what marathon is next. New York or San Francisco, who's in?

Holy cow that is one for the record books. (Just to be clear, that is Ryan's foot.)

1 comment:

Erin said...

I would also like to add that Ryan (for some unknown reason) decided it would be a good idea on Tuesday morning to 'doctor' his enormous blister at his desk, first thing in the morning, in the office. This involved a plastic ziplock baggie containing a safety pin in rubbing alcohol, some moleskin, gauze may have been involved, and perhaps some bandaids. He went ahead and lanced (disgusting) this baseball-sized (his words) blister while in the midst of conversation with Danielle, Molly, and me at the office. Gross. He also extended his right leg high into the air to display said blister for Karen to see when she came in that morning.