Monday, March 9, 2009


I've been reading Square Foot Gardening for weeks and am so excited that the little garden has come together. Dad gathered the boards and mulch and dirt and compost and the whole family came over Sunday afternoon to make it happen. I made friends with two older gentlemen that work at a little garden shop near my office. Lately it's been my favorite lunchtime adventure. I go and buy the weirdest seeds that they have. I feel I may be setting myself up for disaster - first of all, I have no idea what I'm doing so there is only like a 50% chance something will actually grow and second if they do grow, who is actually going to eat a white beauty eggplant?

This sounds suspiciously similar to the pumpkin soup disaster. I like making unusual foods, really enjoy it. The only problem is that the finished product is often inedible. Now I'm just taking it back a step further.

Tonight we planted our first little transplants, a few weeks behind the curve, but nevertheless they are in the ground.

I am excited to experience the way gardening punctuates seasons in a tangible, productive, connected way. Unless a rabbit comes and eats all of my baby lettuces tonight. I keep peeking out the window making sure they are all still there. So far so good.

1 comment:

vintagechica said...

Oh, look how straight and tidy your squares. I think you need my boys to come over and make things a bit more comfortable around there.

What a good little homemaker you are!!!

But you really should try growing something Ryan might eat. That way you can have something on him...I worked so hard growing these tomatoes. You OWE me. That kind of thing.
