Sunday, January 11, 2009

mr. fix-it

"Make it work."

-Tim Gunn, Project Runway

One of the many reasons that I love my husband is his incredible ability to fix things. I mean he tore apart our home (in the renovation process) and then put it back together and made it so wonderful. He really is so good at fixing and repairing things.

So when he stepped on his video game headset and cracked it into two pieces, it really wasn't a problem at all. First, he tried super glue. No luck. Then he tried getting me to apply super glue while he held the two pieces of headset together. Apparently two pieces of plastic cannot be attached using super glue. Ryan wasn't discouraged. "Why not tie the headset to my head with my ipod cord?" he thought.

Clearly. Great solution, Ryan. I think I laughed for 20 minutes straight when I walked into the den and saw this:


mallory said...

Haha this is priceless! I'm so glad you got photo documentation of his remarkable fix-it skills!

Erin said...

Maybe he should be an engineer?