Monday, November 24, 2008

thankfulness : mom + the turkey wagon

Today I am grateful for my mom who has cooked a delicious and nutritious Thanksgiving dinner for as many years as I can remember. I am also thankful that when I came home from college last year, slightly skittish around meat after taking a nutrition class that ended up being an exposé on the horrors of CAFOs, that my mom drove all the way out to Pungo to find a locally raised, hormone-free turkey. Thanks mom.

So this year the trip to find the local, cage free Thanksgiving bird was a family affair. Ryan, James, my mom and I piled into the mini-van and made the drive out to Flanagan farm this afternoon. The turkey's met their maker around 10am and by 1pm they were ready to be picked up. The turkeys were spread out on several tables in a very rustic little shed right behind the Flanagan's home.

We picked what we deemed an appropriately sized bird, put it on the check out counter, paid and put it in a garbage bag (of course). I felt like such a child, but I couldn't help but sneak around behind the shed to see the turkeys still roaming around in the land of the living. There they were in all their glory, at least until Christmas rolls around...we took bets on which one might be on our Christmas dinner table.
Ok, so maybe this is gross or disturbing, but honestly it made me feel much less freaked out than the shrink wrapped, identical blue and yellow plastic covered fowl that line grocery shelves. So here is to Barbara Kingsolver and a local turkey for Thanksgiving! And here's to my wonderful mom who always works so hard to make sure that her babies are fed healthy and delicious meals.

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