Tuesday, July 15, 2008


I have very little tolerance for US Weekly, Access Hollywood and the like. I really couldn't care less about Lindsey Lohan's mother's parenting failure or which club Paris Hilton decided to grace with her presence this past weekend. I do not care who is dating/not dating/breaking up. It really makes no difference to me what kind of snake venom Gwyneth is using to fill her wrinkles or the baby boutiques Brittney Spears shops at. I mean, honestly, who cares.

But, then I saw this: http://gofugyourself.celebuzz.com/ It is absolutely hilarious.

I think that some of my frustration with pop culture's obsession over celebrities' every move stems from that fact that I simply pity these people because they seem miserable or end up looking pathetic. Yes, yes of course they have everything and they have the ability to make responsible choices and not end up looking like fools, but come on their every move is photographed, written about, commented on. Doesn't sound like much fun to me. The thought of 3 million teenagers and twenty-something women obsessing over my latest breakup sounds excruciating.

Nevertheless, this site seems to take a much different approach. Forget critiquing celebs' every move, let's just comment on what they're wearing. I realize this is completely shallow, but the writer is so witty and its hilarious. I mean celebrities pay people to dress them and we all know they have the money to wear whatever the heck they want. Plus they know they will be in public eye, so doesn't it seem a bit more fair to comment about their wardrobe rather than their personal life choices?

Maybe I'm rationalizing because I'm in desperate need of entertainment from 8:30 to 5:30. I'm ok with that.

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