Friday, February 27, 2009

friday goodness.

enough said.

Thanks Meg for sending this gem my way.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

ryan's first day of work

Today is Ryan's first day of work in his new job! This is his first job where he has to head to the office each morning and last night he mentioned how this is really his first day of work ever. I felt that we should document this momentous occasion. So in the vein of first day of kindergarden photos, here is Ryan's first day of work:

Go get 'em tiger.

We are so incredibly grateful for this job. Ryan has been job hunting for several months and we really are thankful that this opportunity has come along!

Anyone want to do a marathon?

Friday, February 20, 2009

return to ramen

After a delightful run around Mount Trashmore last night Ryan and I headed to Bottom Dollar to pick up some cheese for our taco dinner. Now, Bottom Dollar is not exactly the most immaculate grocery store I've ever been in, but man do they have some good deals. Last night I found myself with childlike glee when I discovered that Ramen noodles were on sale for 9 cents. Nine cents! Less than a dime! I've had the appropriate period of separation from Ramen -- during finals one semester of college I basically only ate Ramen and Moon Pies (courtesy of an exams care package from Mom) and I haven't been able to tolerate the noodles chocked full of sodium ever since. But last night the prospect of two weeks of lunch costing less than a dollar just seemed too good to pass up. We we bought our Ramen and went on our merry way. Day 1 Ramen lunch here I come.

I am still perplexed, however, as to how they are able to get 7 grams of saturated fat into a package of dried carbohydrates and sodium. Oh, the mysteries of processed food.
(photo via